Hold on—just brushing off the pixels the competition left behind.


Neo Vision partnered with Klarwin to develop three separate applications—Service Application for Engineers, Monitor Application, and Watcher Application—each designed to meet specific operational needs, from streamlined maintenance workflows to real-time monitoring and automated data transfer.


High Contrast & Neo Vision
Product Strategy, UI/UX Design, Frontend Development, Backend Development, DevOps, Continuous Development

Business Goals

Parallax Image
Parallax Image
Parallax Image
Parallax Image
Parallax Image
Parallax Image

Product Description

Parallax Image
Parallax Image
Parallax Image
Parallax Image
Parallax Image
Parallax Image

Development Process

Parallax Image
Parallax Image
Parallax Image
Parallax Image
Parallax Image
Parallax Image

Backend Development

Neo Vision’s digital transformation for Klarwin resulted in a centralized platform that standardized engineer workflows, improved cash flow, and consolidated data from over 100 stations, greatly reducing manual interventions.

  • Standardized engineer workflows and reduced invoicing time to a few days.
  • Consolidated data from 100+ stations, cutting manual data processing.
  • Boosted spare part revenue by 120% and reduced on-site engineer time by 75%.
's talk about
Klarwin's Code Snippet
where('station_id',$id) ->get(); // $docs = StationDocument::where('station_id',$id)->get(); return $documents; } public function downloadStationDocument($document) { $file_path = storage_path('app/documents/' . $document); return response()->download($file_path, $document); } public function uploadStationDocument(Request $request,$id) { if($request->hasFile('document')){ $request->file('document')->storeAs('documents', $request->file('document')->getClientOriginalName()); $document = new StationDocument(); $document->filename = $request->file('document')->getClientOriginalName(); $document->type = "document"; $document->station_id = $id; $document->save(); } // dd($document); // exit(); return back(); }
Klarwin's Code Snippet
where('station_id',$id) ->get(); // $docs = StationDocument::where('station_id',$id)->get(); return $documents; } public function downloadStationDocument($document) { $file_path = storage_path('app/documents/' . $document); return response()->download($file_path, $document); } public function uploadStationDocument(Request $request,$id) { if($request->hasFile('document')){ $request->file('document')->storeAs('documents', $request->file('document')->getClientOriginalName()); $document = new StationDocument(); $document->filename = $request->file('document')->getClientOriginalName(); $document->type = "document"; $document->station_id = $id; $document->save(); } // dd($document); // exit(); return back(); }