Please hold—sacrificing a rubber duck to appease the coding gods.
Parallax Image

Forbes Romania

A major website overhaul for Forbes Romania to enhance security, boost site speed, and introduce new features inspired by Forbes International’s aesthetics, all while maintaining seamless user experience.

Parallax Image


Forbes Romania
Neo Vision
UI/UX Design, Frontend Development, Backend Development, CMS Development, Product Strategy, Continuous Deployment

Business Goals

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Parallax Image
Parallax Image

Product Description

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Parallax Image
Parallax Image

Development Process

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Parallax Image
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Parallax Image
Parallax Image
Parallax Image

Backend Development

The Forbes Romania website transformation boosted security, enhanced performance, and aligned the design with Forbes International’s aesthetics.

These improvements set the platform up for greater engagement, streamlined revenue generation, and long-term stability.

's talk about
Forbes' Code Snippet
            <div class="hero-slider-wrapper">

                if(get_field('hero_slider_shuffle') == 'Da') {
                    shuffle( $rows );

                foreach($rows as $row): ?>

                    $excluded_ids_news[] = $row['articol'];
                    $excluded_ids_tranzit[] = $row['articol'];
                    $excluded_ids_logistica[] = $row['articol'];

                    <?php echo do_shortcode('[article_big article_id="' . $row['articol'] . '" type="' . get_field('hero_slider_display') . '"]'); ?>

                <?php endforeach; ?>

            <div class="hero-slick-arrows-wrapper"></div>
            <div class="hero-slick-dots-wrapper"></div>

            <?php endif; ?>


        <div class="col sidebar_right_padding">
            <?php echo do_shortcode('[ad_zone adzone_id="' . get_field('hero_sidebar') . '" display="desktop-ad"]'); ?>
            <?php echo do_shortcode('[ad_zone adzone_id="' . get_field('hero_sidebar_tableta') . '" display="tablet-ad"]'); ?>
            <?php echo do_shortcode('[ad_zone adzone_id="' . get_field('hero_sidebar') . '" display="mobile-ad"]'); ?>

'post', 'post_status' => 'publish', 'posts_per_page'=> (intval($latest_count) > 0 ? $latest_count : 3), 'order' => 'DESC', 'orderby' => 'post_date', 'meta_query' => [ [ 'key' => '_thumbnail_id', 'compare' => 'EXISTS' ], ] ];
        $latest_query = new WP_Query( $latest_args );
    <div class="row section-latest-wrapper">
        <div class="col section-latest-slider">
            if ( $latest_query->have_posts() ):
                while ( $latest_query->have_posts() ):
                    $excluded_ids_news[] = get_the_ID();
                    $excluded_ids_tranzit[] = get_the_ID();
                    $excluded_ids_logistica[] = get_the_ID();
                    echo do_shortcode('[article_latest article_id="' . get_the_ID() . '" type="portret"]');
            /* Restore original Post Data */
            wp_reset_postdata(); ?>
Forbes' Code Snippet
            <div class="hero-slider-wrapper">

                if(get_field('hero_slider_shuffle') == 'Da') {
                    shuffle( $rows );

                foreach($rows as $row): ?>

                    $excluded_ids_news[] = $row['articol'];
                    $excluded_ids_tranzit[] = $row['articol'];
                    $excluded_ids_logistica[] = $row['articol'];

                    <?php echo do_shortcode('[article_big article_id="' . $row['articol'] . '" type="' . get_field('hero_slider_display') . '"]'); ?>

                <?php endforeach; ?>

            <div class="hero-slick-arrows-wrapper"></div>
            <div class="hero-slick-dots-wrapper"></div>

            <?php endif; ?>


        <div class="col sidebar_right_padding">
            <?php echo do_shortcode('[ad_zone adzone_id="' . get_field('hero_sidebar') . '" display="desktop-ad"]'); ?>
            <?php echo do_shortcode('[ad_zone adzone_id="' . get_field('hero_sidebar_tableta') . '" display="tablet-ad"]'); ?>
            <?php echo do_shortcode('[ad_zone adzone_id="' . get_field('hero_sidebar') . '" display="mobile-ad"]'); ?>

'post', 'post_status' => 'publish', 'posts_per_page'=> (intval($latest_count) > 0 ? $latest_count : 3), 'order' => 'DESC', 'orderby' => 'post_date', 'meta_query' => [ [ 'key' => '_thumbnail_id', 'compare' => 'EXISTS' ], ] ];
        $latest_query = new WP_Query( $latest_args );
    <div class="row section-latest-wrapper">
        <div class="col section-latest-slider">
            if ( $latest_query->have_posts() ):
                while ( $latest_query->have_posts() ):
                    $excluded_ids_news[] = get_the_ID();
                    $excluded_ids_tranzit[] = get_the_ID();
                    $excluded_ids_logistica[] = get_the_ID();
                    echo do_shortcode('[article_latest article_id="' . get_the_ID() . '" type="portret"]');
            /* Restore original Post Data */
            wp_reset_postdata(); ?>