Hold on—just brushing off the pixels the competition left behind.
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Appreciate.me, a forward-thinking Romanian start-up, sought to change the way people support and engage with meaningful causes. Neo Vision stepped in to refine and launch their MVP, ensuring a smooth and secure user experience from day one.

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High Contrast
Product Strategy, Frontend Development, Backend Development, CMS Development, DevOps, Continuous Development

Business Goals

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Product Description

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Development Process

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Backend Development

With Neo Vision’s technical expertise, Appreciate.me successfully launched a robust MVP, meeting the start-up’s ambitious goals of creating a stable, user-centered platform for cause engagement.

The project highlighted the transformative power of a well-executed code refactor, and the seamless integration of Stripe allowed Appreciate.me to focus on its mission without technological hurdles. Neo Vision’s support provided a solid foundation for Appreciate.me to scale and grow as it attracts users passionate about making a difference.

's talk about
Appreciate.me Code Snippet

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Fund your projects and help others

Membership allows you to fund your campaign and offer a percentage to charity. By achieving your dream, you make other dreams come true.

Appreciate.me Code Snippet

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Fund your projects and help others

Membership allows you to fund your campaign and offer a percentage to charity. By achieving your dream, you make other dreams come true.